Photography Group – 1st Monday of Each Month

Takes place the first Monday of each month – 10 am to 12 noon  (For Members of Southport u3a only)

The group is given a monthly challenge, normally to take photographs fitting a given theme, using any level of equipment, from a complex camera to a simple phone.  The themes are designed to get the members thinking about what they are taking and have included subjects such as light and shade, panoramic and low viewpoint.

The results are reviewed at the monthly meeting and constructive feedback given.

We also look at the technical aspects of photography, understanding our photographic equipment and the use of digital editing.  Camera workshops are held, to help members overcome issues using their kit.  Also, practical sessions and field trips are arranged, which allow members to work together and gain inspiration from each other.

Booking essential.  Learn more about u3a HERE

Zest for Life – Wednesdays

This class takes place every Wednesday at 10 am (Sessions £5 – no pre-booking required)

Zest for l=Life classes specialise in classes for the over 60s. Providing an all round session, which includes – 

Increasing – Mobility, Flexibility and Cardio

Improving – Strength and Balance

It is very important to keep active as we age, to retain our independence and continue with our everyday activities.

All are welcome to come and join us, please wear sensible footwear and comfortable clothes. (No Floor Work during the session)

Your instructor is Bernie, who has been in the industry for 40 years.

Chair-Based Exercise Class

Fridays at 2pm

A fun session designed to improve general fitness and mobility. Starting with a warm up followed by easy to follow dances and ending with exercises to improve coordination, balance and strength. No previous experience required, all ability levels welcome.

Sessions £5

Membership of Southport u3a essential to join this class

JOIN/BOOK on the u3a website 

Friday Evenings : 5.30 pm or 7.00 pm Sessions

Sessions are run by Kelly (National Woman of the Year 2023 with 18st LOSS)

Join on the night or telephone Kelly on 07493 078193 for further information.

Advance booking not necessary.

Follow Kelly on Facebook @SlimmingWorldAinsdaleWithKelly